Skin Conditions

Skin conditions can cause embarrassment and social anxiety, sleep issues due to itchiness as well as irritation and pain, and they can make everyday activities difficult. It can affect the quality of life for people of all ages and races around the world. Thay are associated with some other common psychological problems such as: stress, anxiety, social isolation, low self-esteem and self-confidence.

Atopic Eczema




Urticaria (hives)

Skin infections

According to functional medicine, the skin is often a symptom of other imbalances in body systems. Some of root cause imbalances to skin conditions are :


Leaky gut. When beneficial bacteria get damaged due to pathogenic bacteria creating toxins, stress, antibiotics, poor diet etc, then it makes the gut wall leaky and porous. As a result, the food you eat doesn’t get a chance to be digested properly through this damaged gut wall which ends up in your bloodstream. Your immune system finds that undigested foods as invaders and react to them as food allergy/ intolerance and present as Eczema, skin rash etc


High toxic load or weak detoxification


Hormone imbalances, infertility


Digestive or autoimmune conditions like IBS, IBD, SIBO, Severe constipation/ Diarrhea, Celiac, thyroid, arthritis etc


Nutrient deficiencies such as zinc, essential fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin D


Chronic infection, e.g. virus, parasite, yeast and bacteria, in the skin microbiome or the gut microbiome


Increased inflammation or weak immune system


Bacteria trapped in skin pores and hair follicles


Mast cell activation


Histamine sensitivity or lack of DAO enzymes


Genetic factors


Lifestyle factors such as high stress, are very common triggers in the development of skin problems

The conventional medical approach is usually centered around reducing the severity of the symptoms. Treatment may include; Medicated creams, ointments, Antihistamines, Laser therapy, Light therapy, Antibiotics, Vitamin and steroid injections and other medications.

Unfortunately, pharmaceutical treatments offered for chronic skin conditions usually do not provide long lasting benefits, and are not addressing the root causes of the skin condition.
Drugs can reduce symptoms for the short term but disease continues to progress and gets worse overtime unless you work on treating root cause issues to skin conditions.

At Heal minds, We create personalized treatment programs after finding root cause issues through functional lab testings, comprehensive health & lifestyle assessment. Some of the intervention of the treatment program will include


Remove any triggers, such as food sensitivities/ allergies, chemicals (like plastic, carcinogenic foods, air pollution, soaps, dyes or perfumes), dust & dust mites, heavy metals and mold


Balance your hormones


Address any gut imbalances and repair your leaky gut


Support blood sugar balance and optimize insulin sensitivity


Ensure adequate protein, amino acids and healthy fats through diet and supplements


Support bowel function and improve constipation


Support detoxification system


Optimize stress hormones and adrenal function


Optimize nutrients to promote healthy skin


Reduce inflammation


Balance your immune system and reaction

After removing root cause triggers, the need for conventional medical treatment, such as antibiotics (oral or topical), steroid medications, and biological medications can be minimized or avoided completely.

Results from our previous clients

If you have been experiencing chronic skin conditions and are looking for answers, schedule an appointment with Heal Minds Functional medicine & Wellness clinic and book free Consultation today!